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Posted By: Jezzika, on host
Date: Wednesday, May 9, 2001, at 09:15:18
In Reply To: Re: An Odd Question That Popped Into My Head posted by Howard on Wednesday, May 9, 2001, at 05:12:59:

Ha! Being a native Pennsylvanian who moved to Memphis, I can understand the misunderstandings between Southerners and other people. Though I did notice a *lot* more tension between blacks and whites down south than there is in Philadelphia, the stereotypes (as usual) are false.

When I moved to London, I needed this list:

Yes, I'm American, but....

--I don't own a gun.
--I'm not obese.
--Jerry Springer is a joke to us, too.
His guests are NOT typical Americans. They're not even typical poor people or Southern people.
--Yes, I can understand dry humor.
--Yes, I can have dry humor.
--I'm not loud.
--I'm not nasal or twangy.
--I don't own a huge SUV.
--I'm not "rude" on purpose. Americans are simply more direct and outspoken than the British.
--I don't think America is the best-loved country in the world.
--Yes, I have had "real" beer before. I know Budweiser is bad.
--You're weird for wearing dark socks with tennis shoes. :)

----Jez"bloody colonial"zika