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Fun With Words, where're the verbs
Posted By: Eugene, on host
Date: Monday, May 7, 2001, at 20:08:52
In Reply To: Fun With Words - Proprietary Eponyms posted by Gahalia on Sunday, May 6, 2001, at 22:58:16:

There aren't many verbs in the Glossary of Fun Words. I've always been taught, and agreed, that verbs are the powerhouse content-words of a sentence -- while adjectives, adjectives, blech, best to rid one's work of them (though I must admit that callipygous/callipygean is one of my favorite words). Surely their must interesting actions, not just interesting things and appearances.
I could have just feared that the paucity of verbs was from a biased selection, but I gather that Sam (or you, if you happen to be Sam) likes interesting verbs, otherwise he(you) wouldn't have used two verb definitions to lure people into the subsite. But enough of this train -- rather than write mere comment I'll try to tap the collective genius of rinkworks... anybody know any more interesting verbs?
E'I hope I'm not wrong and somehow missed a pluthera of verbs goin' on'ugene

desuperpollicate - to give a thumbs down

In no way does my choice of desuperpollicate stand as my opinion of the new section - I like Fun with Words something fierce. Desuperpollicate stands only as a verb that I think is nifty.