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Re: Sam, about the site journal...
Posted By: Don the Monkeyman, on host
Date: Saturday, May 5, 2001, at 16:10:26
In Reply To: Re: Sam, about the site journal... posted by Sam on Wednesday, May 2, 2001, at 21:59:48:

> understand the inscrutable sorting rules I vaguely have in my head,

Would you be willing to give us a quick rundown of what those sorting rules are sometime? Looking at the new batch and reading this post has reminded me of the way I used to always wonder about your sorting scheme. Knowing you, it isn't random, but I can't even come up with a starting point for it... I found something that looked alphabetical in some way once (by first word not counting "the", I think) but I also seem to remember that it didn't carry through consistently in any one section, not to mention all the sections. That, and I'm not sure it was in Computer Stupidities. Or even on RinkWorks. Anyway, the question still stands. Oh, and "No, I'd rather not explain it" would be an accpetable response, too. I know I do things on those lines which I would never want to try to explain. :-)

Don Monkey