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Another really weird RinkDream
Posted By: Sosiqui, on host
Date: Thursday, May 3, 2001, at 12:17:19
In Reply To: RinkDream posted by Travholt on Wednesday, May 2, 2001, at 09:49:07:

Weird RinkDreams seem to be contagious. I had one last night... well, sort of. Perhaps it wasn't a true RinkDream in that no other RinkyDinks were present, but it was definetely highly RinkInfluenced.

Most of the time when I dream, I am not myself... I am a passive observer in the body of another character. I don't do anything, but I do observe and feel the actions of the character that I am part of. Make sense? Well, last night's dream was odd in that I was myself... but Rinkish.

To explain THAT, you would probably have to know me IRL. I am really shy IRL, but not half so much in RinkChat. I reacted to everything in the dream as I would react in a Rinky environment, not as how I would actually react in the real world. To compound the Rinkyness, I identified myself in the dream as Sosiqui, as opposed to my real name. And I could also do the kind of things I occasionally do in RinkChat, like having control over time (a classic Sosiqui ability). I could also fly, for some reason, which is kind of random because I don't fly around in RinkChat or in real life, and flying isn't an attribute of the 'real' Sosiqui. So that was random.

Anyway. In the dream, I somehow accidentally went back in time and brought back some nasty dictator guy from the past back to our time. (I am almost POSITIVE that this was a result of both talking to Stephen before bed, and reading Crazy Insane Play Supreme, where Stephen plays Hitler. Of course, the dictator guy wasn't Stephen, he was just some random dictator.) He trapped me in the upper bedroom of my house (which, oddly enough for my dreams, really DID look just like my real house) and went to go take over the world.

Obviously, this was bad, so I tried to get out. For some reason my temporal abilities weren't working all the time, so I couldn't just timejump back and fix everything. So I pried open the window and flew out. The flying in this dream was quite different from any other type of flying I've done in dreams. If I'm not in a winged form when I dream-fly, I simply glide and dive through the air effortlessly. This was not the case here. I really had to work on it, had to strain to get altitude. If I got tired or lost my concentration, I would fall.

Obviously, I got tired and fell onto the patio, where the dictator was grilling something on the barbecue. (I don't know why.) So I played dead. It worked for about five minutes until he decided to poke me with a hot dog fork to see if I was really dead. Anticipating the pain, I jumped up, pointed my finger at him, and yelled, "/me ZAPS you with her temporal displacement zapper!" And it worked. I flew away (again, having to work at it VERY hard), and the fences around the backyard were very large. I had to push off the top of each fence to boost my altitude, and I was afraid to step on the wood lest I get a splinter (I blame THAT on Monkeyman).

Then I got tired and fell into a grassy triangular space, surrounded by TALL wooden fences. I knew that once I had rested, I would be able to fly out, and I also knew that the dictator could not get me, so I would be safe. There were strawberries growing there, lots of tall green grass, and a small brook. Then I woke up.

Sosi"has really odd dreams"qui

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