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Re: The Rink
Posted By: Sosiqui, on host
Date: Thursday, May 3, 2001, at 08:07:56
In Reply To: The Rink posted by Matthew on Wednesday, May 2, 2001, at 23:34:53:

> From your first browse through the forum or your first visit to chat, you could feel the >sense of a close-knit community.

As a relatively new RinkyDink who's had experience with other communities, let me say that this one rises WAY above the others as far as rulingness concerns. :) The reason I came into RinkChat in the first place was reading the chat archives (I'd been visiting RinkWorks for a LONG time before then, though), and thinking, "Gee, this seems like something I could be part of. Something really cool." I was right - it WAS really cool, but it was more than I expected, like the secret prize in the cereal box. Yeah, it's fun, funny at times, but it's also... well, heck, I can safely say that I have NEVER dreamed about anyone from any other community I've been in, yet I've had scads of RinkDreams. So I guess you guys have made a difference even to my scary little subconcious self. :)

>So the Rink absorbed another soul; another person willing to be themselves and get to know >others.

I'm very much myself on RinkChat... well, except for the name and the random time-traveling abilities. ;) Although I can safely say that if someone were to address me as Sosiqui IRL, I would respond to that almost as quickly as to my real name.

Although I'm not sure I like the idea of absorbing my soul... heehee :)

> This post may be deleted. It doesn't really say anything that people don't know already, and I doubt it will promote discussion. But it's late, and I'm tired, and I had an urge to write it. As long as one person reads it, its job is done.

Sosi"you all RULE RULE RULE"qui