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The mystery of the breathy voice-over and other things
Posted By: Philbee, on host
Date: Wednesday, May 2, 2001, at 12:49:17

Just who is that guy who does the dramatic American breathy voice-overs on movie trailers? (You know who I'm talking about - the guy who says "It's at 30,000 feet...there's no escape...this is the only way out...Vertical Limit" or some such thing). He is on one heck of a lot of trailers etc. and I am now really wondering whether he is a trained actor or just some random guy they pulled in off the streets, saying "My word that's a breathy voice and no mistake, be world-famous, have it on us". If it is the actor, does anyone know his name? I would be the first to set up a page for laughing at his voice (although in a nice fashion, of course - I'm really not that cynical or nasty, even though I am English), but if he's the random guy, maybe one of you knows him. Maybe you ARE him! Wow. A celebrity on Rinkworks that no-one knows about.

I've now jerked out of my silent reverie on the wonders of secet celebrities and I am, instead, wondering what on earth I was doing in my French GCSE oral exam. It was not good. On one question, I got completely stuck, and I was left just mumbling the odd vaguely French word while trying to think what the heck my teacher was on about. On another, almost the same thing happened, only this was infinitely more embarrassing because I had the notes with the answers on right in front of me! Ah well, c'est la vie. Il est possible que je ne peux pas parler francais du tout. Quoi? Je parle le Francais maintenant? Non! Je ne peux pas le parler. Ca existe seulement dans les Simpsons.

Phil-"ah, oui, c'est vrai!"-bee

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