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Re: Oh, no, it's another "Adventures With" post
Posted By: Brunnen-G, on host
Date: Tuesday, April 24, 2001, at 18:05:29
In Reply To: Re: Oh, no, it's another "Adventures With" post posted by Wolfspirit on Tuesday, April 24, 2001, at 11:58:40:

> One word? Just ONE? How about a suggestion.
> Let's see, was your experience more like: _Pahoehoe_ (pronounced "pah-hoy-hoy") or was it like _aa_ ("ah-ah")? If those terms aren't immediately familar, I'll just say they describe two different types of volcanic lava flows. 'Pahoehoe' is smooth, expansive, and billowy; while 'aa' is convulsive, jagged, spiny, and wild. Of course, if you've experienced either of them, you know immediately that they are BOTH volcanic in origin. :-)

If those are the only choices, it was more like pahoehoe in the sense that it was a very easy trip. I expected it to be a lot more difficult. I don't speak or read the language, apart from what I could memorise out of a phrasebook, and the thought of the huge population was overwhelming. Neither turned out to be any problem at all. However, the trip was more like aa in the sense that it hurt my feet. Walking eight to twelve hours a day for two weeks, some of those hours with a 40 pound pack and a 10 pound laptop, can do that.

It seems there are some fine evocative words available in vulcanology. So, was your day more like grike, or moonmilk? Are you feeling eustatic or tuff? Or just all kankar, and hoping for a solution pipe and some puddings?


Link: Fun words from geology