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Re: Hi!
Posted By: Else, on host
Date: Tuesday, June 8, 1999, at 21:28:36
In Reply To: Re: Hi! posted by Stephen on Tuesday, June 8, 1999, at 21:11:12:

> > Hi there! I'm Else from Malaysia.
> As the self-appointed Supreme Dictator For Life of this Message Forum, let me say welcome. Read the rules first and enjoy your stay. And don't cause trouble or else you go on my list.
> > But *ahem* I do have a question to ask. Does anyone remember that old saw about 'the old brown fox (that) jumps over the lazy dog?'. The one with all 26 letters of the alphabet in it?
> >
> > By any chance would anyone know of other sentences with such a property? I'd be much obliged. Bye for now...
> We had a thread about that a while ago. The URL for the first message is:
> Hope that helps
> Stephen

Thank you very much for your tip. I just looked and that's really awesome. You guys are so nice and helpful.

I'll go and sit and think of ways to get on your list without causing any trouble.