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The answer
Posted By: koalamom, on host
Date: Tuesday, April 17, 2001, at 23:40:07
In Reply To: A puzzle of sorts posted by koalamom on Saturday, April 14, 2001, at 16:14:54:

> The puzzle: One person leaves the scene in a public outburst of anger and frustration. Who is it? And one person is me, koalamom. Which one am I?

I had a psychology teacher once who said that people are predictable, but never *totally* predictable, which is what makes them so interesting to study. Part of the reason I wanted to post this "puzzle" was to see if your perceptions of "who you'd predict would do what" matched my own...and if you'd be surprised, as I was, at how it turned out.

Guess Bo was paying attention to an earlier post when I identified myself as a "Customer Service Specialist"! Go, Bo! However, I cut my long hair two years ago (and donated it to an organization that makes wigs for chemo patients) so, I am *not* Girl With Long Hair. Sorry, Bo. I am also not Jangles. Am I Women in Shades? Noooo, that would be a little *too* obvious. She was definitely a people watcher too, though. Who knows, maybe another message forum has *her* post about this on it... I am not Polyester Uniform, although I did have a job once that made me wear one--a blue and orange striped polyester uniform, *shudder*. "I'm Sexy"? Grishny, sweetheart, koaladad may think "I'm Sexy" but the rest of the world probably wouldn't identify me that way :-) "In For The Duration" COULD have been me, since I read anything I can get my hands on. However, I have to give this one to Ferrick, with his teller experience, who came closest. "Cheer Up Honey" is actually my eternally optomistic husband. I am "Disgusted".

...and that was the first surprise to me--ordinarily I would be "Woman With Long Fuse".
Being in customer service myself, I know that problems happen, but hey, I know also that problems can be solved. That's life. I just didn't like the way the bank attempted to solve my problem the first time; this was our second try.
So, I am sitting there, Disgusted, but--second surprise--I'm oddly removed from it all. I'm usually a little more self-focused when I'm in that mood...instead, I decide to people watch.

So who left in anger and frustration? Like many of you, I too thought that "I'm a Friend of the Bank Manager" would have been a good candidate. That kind of public statement implies "I am SPECIAL!..and so I demand special treatment" ...likewise with "I'm Sexy". But, no, both seemed to accept the wait after their initial request for service. "Bad Hair Family" was definitely too unfocused to direct their anger anywhere; "Woman in Shades" was too passive, "In for the Duration" was practically catatonic from the bank brochures. Jezzika is probably right in that Jangles and GWLH might wish they *could* storm out...but they didn't. I thought someone might bite at "I've got a Problem", but you all figured out that he wasn't there long enough to build up enough anger for a public demonstration. And no, it wasn't me or koaladad. That leaves us with...

Polyester Uniform. My hint was "..did sit down and talk to the other waiting customers, *to their surprise*". People waiting in lines, etc will chit chat what would make that kind of conversation surprising? Well, if it contained louder and louder exclamations out of the blue like "People at my work are trying to drive me CRAZY because I KNOW that check was for $147.00 and now someone's CHANGED it and I'm going to SUE somone at the BANK, they better FIX THIS"...yep, that was a little surprising, especially from someone who looked so...everyday normal. Who'da thunk it? Polyester Uniform did not appear agitated in the least bit until this outburst, after which she strode out the door.

Girl With Long Hair, by the way, did manage to solve our problem, and in fact actually called me at home the next day to make sure we were completely satisfied with the outcome. Now *that's* customer service.

koala"thanks everyone for their participation"mom

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