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Re: Walking In Cemeteries
Posted By: bethina, on host
Date: Tuesday, April 17, 2001, at 21:58:11
In Reply To: Walking In Cemeteries posted by Sam on Tuesday, April 17, 2001, at 11:22:10:

Cemetary Story #1: Cemetaries are about the most peaceful places in the world. When I was working as a live in babysitter in Anisquam, Mass. this summer, the cemetary was about the only possible place to escape from screaming children and/or stuffy yacht club members. I went there to read, write letters, sunbathe, and just wander around and think.

#2: Ok, this was pretty darn stupid, but when i was in Ireland a year ago March, there was a cemetary right next to our hotel in Dublin. So my friend Jo and I had the bright idea to go ramble in it at midnight one night. Bad plan: 2 girls in strange city in strange country in cemetary at night. :) We were fine tho....altho very very scared by the time we got back to the hotel.

#3: Creepy story. My sister Kate, when she was about 2 years old, was climbing on a headstone - and it fell over on her and BROKE HER LEG. eeeek.

beth "the headstone was that of one Obediah Ayres - i wish that was my name :)" ina