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Re: A puzzle of sorts
Posted By: Dracimas, on host
Date: Tuesday, April 17, 2001, at 11:33:22
In Reply To: A puzzle of sorts posted by koalamom on Saturday, April 14, 2001, at 16:14:54:

> The scene: A bank, 5:30 PM. The bank closes at 6 PM. As is usual on a Friday, it is very busy. In addition to the long line to reach the tellers, there is a group waiting for service from the Customer Service and Information desk, which is off to the side and back of the bank. Our puzzle centers on this area.
> The Players: Two clerks are manning the Customer Service desk. "Jangles", who wears a lot of bracelets, is at her place helping out "In For the Duration", who is apparently bored enough to actually read the fine print in the bank brochures. In For the Duration has lots of time to read since Jangles routinely abandons her desk every few minutes, jumping up with a cacophony of jewelry to disappear mysteriously. The other clerk, "Girl With Long Hair", is dealing with a couple, "Disgusted" and "Cheer Up, Honey, It's Not That Bad". Somehow she manages to keep smiling throughout the entire transaction.
> Since both Jangles and Girl With Long Hair are both already engaged with customers, new arrivals wanting service must sign in and retire to the waiting area, a grouping of surprisingly comfortable and nicely upholstered chairs. Unfortunately, there is no sign directing customers to sign in, so most spent several minutes milling unattended around the Customer Service Desk until they figure out what the clipboard is for, or until Jangles or GWLH take pity and tell them.
> The customers waiting are: "Woman with Shades", who quickly signs in and spends her time observing the other people; "I'm a Friend of the Bank Manager", who repeats twice that the manager be told who is waiting; "Bad Hair Family", who spend the most time wandering about vaguely until they finally settle into the upholstery; "Polyester Uniform", who didn't appear to sign in at all but did sit down and talk to the other waiting customers, to their surprise; "I'm Sexy", who played with her Farah Fawcett hairdo, shifted her weight from one hip to the other, and appeared mildly astonished that yes, sexy people have to wait too; "I Have A Problem Here", who turned heel and left immediately when observing all the bodies stacked up and waiting.
> The plot: As the clock keeps ticking, it becomes obvious that there is no way everybody waiting will be able to complete--or even get started on-- their banking business by 6 PM, when the bank closes. Tension mounts as people keep glancing at their watches and each other. Jangles and GWLH studiously (guiltily?) avoid looking at the waiting group at all.
> The puzzle: One person leaves the scene in a public outburst of anger and frustration. Who is it? And one person is me, koalamom. Which one am I?
> koala"?"mom

I'm a Friend of the Bank Manager left, and KoalaMom is the Woman with Shades.

Drac "Long time no post" imaS