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Re: I know why they call them French Fries.
Posted By: Mousie, on host
Date: Tuesday, April 17, 2001, at 09:50:50
In Reply To: Re: I know why they call them French Fries. posted by Mousie on Thursday, April 12, 2001, at 17:42:47:

Okay, if I'm getting bored with this, then I can imagine what it's like from your end. I've written it in my head so many times I tired of the subject. Suffice it to say we did a little more sightseeing, had a few more meals, and came home. I already left out half the best parts, like where the guy came up to me and started speaking French a mile a minute, and I just looked at him and said, "Uh.... no Francais...?" whereupon he didn't even bother to look incredulous, merely replied, "No Francais?? PsssssssshhhhhhUH" and dismissed me, literally, with a flip of his hand. I stood in the middle of a restaurant laughing uproariously and being *completely* ignored by every other person there.

We had an alright time. We did what we wanted to do, not too much or too little of anything, and we enjoyed each other. End of story.

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