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Re: Chevy's and flan and other desserts
Posted By: lumena, on host
Date: Monday, April 16, 2001, at 09:57:46
In Reply To: Chevy's and flan and other desserts posted by Ferrick on Friday, April 6, 2001, at 07:15:27:

> >
> > Birthdays at Chevy's are probably the best. They sing to you, give you free dessert, and you even get to keep the huge sombrero that they plunk on your head just before they break into song. The only part I didn't like was the dessert I got. They gave me flan, and I simply cannot handle that stuff. To add to the matter, someone else was celebrating a birthday at the same time, and he got a huge piece of a wonderful chocolate thing.
> >
> When was the last time you went to Chevy's for a birthday? The last few times we have gone, they have a sundae, which is pretty good, instead of the colloid known as flan. I know many people who are happy about this since Chevy's is such a great place for birthdays but the flan was usually unwelcome and the source of much joking.
> And, no, Chevy's is not truly Mexican food, or maybe even Tex Mex, but I dig it.
> Fer"grub"rick

Nonononono. I had flan for Easter dinner, and it was GOOD. I like it alot, but got into trouble when I mentioned how people here call it colloid and gluey and dissed it as "unwelcome"!

My gramma has a desert cookbook which shows flan is FRENCH (not Tex Mex) and comes from the 12th century. It's cream custard. The caramel sauce is cooked at the bottom inside the bowl with the flan at the same time. so the suace and custard pop out upsidedown and are served in one piece. It gives special recipes for flan eaten on holy days (made with nonsweet almand milk on fast days) and with cream for Easter -"so lytte and aerye as a maiden's breath." (traditional for purity) It's not supposed to be gluey!