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Re: What Was In Our Outdoor Grill
Posted By: roach, on host
Date: Friday, April 13, 2001, at 18:37:14
In Reply To: Re: What Was In Our Outdoor Grill posted by Sosiqui on Friday, April 13, 2001, at 15:43:57:

> > But as cute as they were, I did not want them in my grill. They were mice, and mice are pests. Ideally they should die, but I wasn't going to kill them by my own hand.
> >
> That's the problem with mice where they should not be - they're cute, but darned if you'll have them in your house! (Or grill, or whatever.)
> One Christmas, my family was visiting my aunt in New Mexico. There was a serious cold snap about the time we arrived, and some mice decided to come inside to the warmth.
> The house is small, so I was sleeping in a nest of blankets and pillows on the floor in my mom and dad's room. (My sister had to sleep with the 4-year old cousin, heh.) They had space heaters that ran along the sides of the walls, near the floor. My head was right next to a heater. A bit after the lights went out, I heard a soft *skritch skritch* noise and opened my eyes.
> There was a mouse under the space heater, not one foot away. I was startled, so I of course screamed and jumped up. I spent the rest of the night on the couch in the living room, sleeping horribly because I could hear the mice running around. They had quite a party.

The first summer that we were at the block, we had a really huge tin shed that we lived in while we were building our house. (We lived in that shed for three years!)


We had all crept off to bed, but about half an hour later we heard this "splash splash" noise coming from the cooking area (you couldn't really call it a kitchen).


as we were all curious as to what was making this splashing noise - not to mention it was quite noisy and you couldn't sleep with it anyway....all 6 of us got back up again, out of our beds and wandered to the "kitchen" area, Dad turned on the lights and .....

(trying to make some suspense it working?)

We saw this huge brown rat swimming in this pot mum had left on the stove to soak. It was huge! had to of been at least a foot long (without tail!)


We turned the stove on and had rat soup the next morning! Kidding! Ugh! Im kidding!

R"I'm game to try new foods and stuff but I think thats going too far!"oach

P.S. We let the rat go outside.

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