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Re: Hungry thoughts.
Posted By: Ellmyruh, on host
Date: Sunday, April 8, 2001, at 13:27:56
In Reply To: Re: Hungry thoughts. posted by Gahalia on Saturday, April 7, 2001, at 12:42:35:

> > One, there is a limit to how physically hungry one can get within a 30 hour period. You don't get hungrier and hungrier. You plateau after a while and stay physically hungry about the same amount. However... you start thinking about food even more.

When I did the 30 Hour Famine in high school, I reached the point (as I often do, even when I'm not trying to go without food) where I was no longer hungry. I was weak, but I really didn't want any food. That was handy, because I didn't feel the need to whine about and long for food, although my friends made up for me.

> I've always thought the Thirty Hour Famine sounded neat but never had an opportunity to do it. But soon after I get back to college from break our impact group is going to fast. The group's made up of several bible studies which minister to campuses around the area. We will fast from Friday to Saturday for the outreach that weekend. I'm worried I'll get really dizzy from not eating- does drinking sugar water sound like a good plan?

I didn't drink sugar water, but maybe that's because I don't think I can handle such a thing. As I recall, we had a little juice, but I don't know if I had that, either. Definitely drink water so that you don't dehydrate yourself, though.

Another word of advice: You will get weak. We weren't thinking when we planned a car wash to raise money during the Famine. We figured it would be a good fundraiser and it would give us something to do. However, the car wash was very successful (as in, very busy) and we were going into Hour 21 when the car wash started. After washing a few cars out in the bright sun, we began to work more and more slowly, and the adult helpers who weren't fasting wound up doing a lot of the work. I have a feeling the car wash wasn't repeated the next year, although I wasn't around for that event.
