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Re: This post will continue to not SHOCK and AMAZE you!
Posted By: Kiki, on host
Date: Thursday, April 5, 2001, at 14:22:10
In Reply To: Re: This post will continue to not SHOCK and AMAZE you! posted by Don the Monkeyman on Thursday, April 5, 2001, at 13:13:32:

> > Anyway, I don't have time to read it again now, and I don't really remember exactly what it was about the book that I didn't like. Having just now skimmed over a chapter or two, I've already found a couple things I have problems with. Maybe this post is pointless and deserves to be deleted... but I've found that people who are Older and Wiser often recommend this book, and those of us who "aren't" don't agree with or enjoy it.
> Yeah, I probably should have mentioned that the "insanely popular" point of view was not the only one I have encountered. I am curious, though, about the nature of the split between those who like it and those who don't. If Kiki is right, then I would tend to side with the book-- I intend no insult to the younger members of this community, but an extra seven years of life can make a pretty big difference in one's outlook. Rather than make a snap judgement along the lines of "older is wiser", though, I would prefer to get a chance to talk to someone who has read the book, did not like it, and remembers why, so that we could discuss the reasons. Once I finish the book myself, I would be quite happy to do that, if anyone here has fits the requirements above. (I suspect that I will fall in the group of those who like it, since I am about halfway through it now.) If anyone is interested in such a discussion, post a reply or email me.
> > Ki"so there"ki
> Don "Seeker of Enlightenment" Monkey

You know what? I'm now re-curious as to why I didn't like it, so I'm going to take it on Senior Florida and read it again, and actually mark passages I disagree with and such. I'll be back on the 14th - will you be done by then?


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