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Re: reader survey
Posted By: Mousie, on host
Date: Monday, June 7, 1999, at 11:40:02
In Reply To: Re: reader survey posted by Sam on Monday, June 7, 1999, at 07:45:40:

> The Message Forum rates very respectably right in the middle, in terms of hits. It ranks low in the survey, but it's understandable: There's so many message forums out there -- and so many bad ones -- that only a select few are going to be interested in this one. The people that are, though, seem to be enthusiastic about it. The hits you guys generate by reading all the messages compensate for the people who don't read it at all, while your single votes of acclaim in the reader survey don't compensate for all the people who don't read it at all.
> Nothing to do with the quality of the posts. :-) I've seen a lot of message forums out there, and this is the only one *I'd* ever want to hang out on, biased though I may be.

Ahem. Did you really just say, "There's so many?" Still, the quality remains well above average.

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