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Re: Programming Humor (or what it was)
Posted By: Sosiqui, on host
Date: Wednesday, March 28, 2001, at 12:06:46
In Reply To: Re: Programming Humor (or what it was) posted by Ghom on Monday, March 26, 2001, at 20:27:30:

> > One or two years ago, I stumbled upon a (quite probably satirical) text about a programming language called Lua or Luga or something beginning with L that I just can't remember.
> >

Y'know, there IS actually a programming thing/game engine (I'm not a programming person, so I don't know the difference) called Lua. It's proprietary to LucasArts (I think) and it was used for Escape from Monkey Island. I believe it was the second generation of the GrimE engine (created for and used in LucasArts' Grim Fandango), with a little SCUMM (used in all the early LucasArts games - Loom, Monkey Island 1 and 2, etc.) mixed in.

Sosi"fun factoids"qui