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Re: Day 6, Auckland, or, 'Auckland'
Posted By: Brunnen-G, on host
Date: Sunday, March 25, 2001, at 16:21:17
In Reply To: Day 6, Auckland, or, 'Auckland' posted by Sam on Sunday, March 25, 2001, at 15:25:03:

> Apparently as soon as we got out of sight, Brunnen-G's horse freaked, and when it was permitted to run, ousted her from the saddle. She was unhurt, but she lost her glasses and couldn't find them again even after a good deal of searching.

People who haven't fallen off a galloping horse before might wonder how it's *possible* to lose your glasses doing this, especially since your glasses are not only jammed on behind your ears but also underneath your helmet and helmet straps. All I can say is that it's amazing how far you can travel before hitting the ground. I didn't even notice when and where they came off during the flight, let alone where that might be in relation to where I landed.

Public-relations students take note, the only reason I won't be going back to this place is because of the woman who was rude to Leen after the ride. The ride itself, while not falling into my expected category of "nice horse trek on a beach", TOTALLY qualified in my category of "high speed uncontrolled thrillseeking", which I like just as much as nice horse treks, but in a different way. Rudeness to customers is a LOT less forgiveable.

> Earlier in the day, I drank some of that delicious apple-orange-mango juice out of a big fat wine-type glass, because the conventional glasses were all dirty at the time.
> "Actually," Brunnen-G said, "drinking it out of that wasn't a bad idea. Not as good as the skulls of your enemies, but not bad."

Perhaps this will seem like a more reasonable comment when I correct Sam's description from his modestly understated "big wine glass" to "enormous round dessert bowl on a stem". We normally use those for serving things like fancy dessert puddings. Watching anybody *drink* out of one was hilarious, and inspired thoughts of Vikings or Henry the Eighth. And if you *must* drink out of a humongous dessert bowl, orange juice has to be the most fundamentally *wrong* thing to drink out of it.

Brunnen-"turbulent gravity thrill ride"G