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By request of Wolfspirit....
Posted By: ThePhan, on host
Date: Thursday, March 22, 2001, at 09:30:57

I am posting three more dreams for interpretation by whoever wants. :-D

Dream #1
I dreamed that I was working in this sort of prison, for a Mr. U. (I don't remember his last name.) But he reminded me of Mr. Nezzer (a character from the children's VeggieTales videos). Amanda, Beth, and Holly were there. (3 girls from my youth group... girls I don't know very well.) I also had a talking seal named Holly. Also I had a twin brother named Andre. I remember that we were working on some sort of project (well, actually, Mr. U. was making us) and it was something illegal.

I remember going in to visit Andre in a room where he was recovering from an injury. I wasn't supposed to be there. Suddenly I heard footsteps. I tried to hide under the bed, but it was too high, and there was nothing to cover me once I was under there. I spotted a table that looked exactly like the table with the green tablecloth upstairs in Mom's bedroom (in case you haven't guessed, my mom has a table with a green tablecloth upstairs in her bedroom. *grin*) I decided to hide under there. I stayed there, knowing I would be caught, my entire back and butt hanging out. I heard the footsteps go down the hall and knew I could come back out.

We were having some sort of a carnival. Amanda, Beth, and Holly were at a table that sold little toys and refreshments. I remember one of the toys was a strange action figure. It was white. It looked like a mix between a chihuahua and a mouse (we do have a toy resembling this). I remember taking one and making it walk along the table. Then I said, "It's stupid, but it's fun." Some of the refreshments were little candy cars that had little candy license plates. You were supposed to put it in your mouth and spell out the letters of the license plate, and then you would be able to taste the stuff inside.

This guy came over and started being annoying. He took some of the candies and put them in his mouth and just swallowed them whole. Amanda kept saying, "You're not supposed to do that, you're supposed to spell out the letters of the license plate..." But he ignored her. Then I took a car and ate it (the license plate was "ERASER 1") and started to spell out the letters. The guy came over and said menacingly, "So you're doing it that way, huh?" He raised his hand like he was going to hit me, but then he gently patted my head. "Let's go over here where we can talk," he whispered.

Turns out, he also knew they were doing something illegal, but he didn't know what. I decided to take a walk with Holly. I went around the corner and ran into Mr. U. "Well, well, what's this little seal's name?" he asked.

"Shellian," I heard the seal say.

"Excellent! Then I will call her Shelly," he said, walking away.

"No, you won't," Holly/Shellian muttered under her breath as I quickly walked in the other direction. But he heard. He turned around and said, "What did that seal say?"

"Nothing," I said. I was scared to death. I just knew that I would be in big trouble...

Then I woke up.

Dream #2
I dreamed that Evan and Erik (older brothers of two of my friends), for some reason, had smuggled computers into my bedroom and I was trying frantically to get rid of them-- I think they were stolen property. Then I was in my bedroom and we were having some sort of meeting- "we" would be a bunch of the kids from youth group; the ones I remember are Sarah, Lindsey, Amanda, Kristina, Jasmine, and Tyler- (all kids from my youth group) and I couldn't stand the guilt anymore, so I jumped out the window and started bouncing along the sidewalk. Then for some reason I bounced back into my room and tried to run out, but everyone else blocked the door and wouldn't let me out of the room until I explained why I went out in the first place. It was very strange. I also have this memory of the computers being smashed to bits in the shed and Dad raking up the leaves around there, and I was very scared that he would discover them.

Dream #3
I dreamed that a nature scientist had moved into our house. But we were still living there. And I remember him opening his suitcase and taking out all these things like leaves and twigs, and then he was showing it to all the kids. Then he took out this bottle and there was a large orange spider, like from Captain Bible (a computer game in which one of the robots to defeat is a large orange spider... yuck!) in there, except it was on a stick. It was about a foot long and he took it out and let it crawl around on his fingers, then he threw it at me!! I started screaming and frantically trying to get off me, but he just stood there laughing. Then I ran across the street to try to get away from him and for some reason I couldn't scream any more, and he just laughed and followed me with more bugs in his hands, and he threw them as hard as he could. Then I woke up.

Enjoy! :-D I had a RinkDream last night too but I can't REMEMBER it. All I remember is that I was in a children's play (which I am) but my character's name had been changed from Mrs. McFaddle to Mrs. Toppatoppateepatip. And I remember all of a sudden having three new solos, including one in which my one line was, "Oh, to tickle dead men's feet." (Just SLIGHTLY gross!) And Mousie was like forcing me to sing these stupid lines... and then she and Kiki were throwing me into this hole and I was supposed to get these black hockey pucks...

And I can't remember any more but there was LOTS MORE to it!!