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Re: Kiki Bags on the Land of Make Believe
Posted By: Nyperold, on host
Date: Tuesday, March 20, 2001, at 14:15:45
In Reply To: Re: Kiki Bags on the Land of Make Believe posted by Penny-stamp Man on Tuesday, March 20, 2001, at 12:34:18:

> More memorable to me than most of the character- sketches (though i LOVED all the muppets) were the catoon segments and music things:
> *sings* "Ya got to compact it, recycle ...
> Oo, oo, oo, keep on truckin,
> Oo, oo, oo, that's the garbageman's
> way...

It's not "way", it's "blues"

> [So ecology makes its way into Sesame Street.]

Actually, I liked "I'm a dog, I'm a workin' dog. I'm a hard-workin' dog..." and that Creole-French zydeco bit.

> "A loaf of bread, astick of butter, and a container of milk."

*ahem* "A loaf of bread, a container of milk, and a stick of butter."

> Maybe because i'm still in college, or perhaps because i was picked on a lot in childhood and eventually got over it, i simply don't feel the need to excuse my watching juvenile television.
> Even though I'm embarrassed that i liked the Smurfs as a child.
> >Mister Rogers is actually pretty psychotic and scary.
> How can you bag on the PBS show with more jazz piano and music bits than any other kids' show EVER? He had frikkin' Yo Yo Ma as a guest on there, before anyone knew who that was, and Ma'd only been playing that Stradivarius 'cello he has for about a year. (Incidentally, i didn't see, nor would i've appreciated that program as a child--i caught the re-run last year and was amazed) And if it weren't for Mr. Rogers, i'd never have known how doughnuts are made--who knew something so sweet would require vinegar? =')

Do you mean "rag" rather than "bag", or have I been out of the slang loop too long? And yes, I like watching the things on Picture Picture.

> > The best in new TV programming? Arthur. That is one great show.

I like the middle section the best

> That's actually Nickelodeon, i think. Just goes to show how good PBS is, though, at grabbing syndicated shows that'll draw in the kiddies.
> > I watched 3-2-1 Contact, and Square One... I guess I was a geek, too.
> >
> I remember The Bloodhound Gang (not the tasteless music group, the Contact series) and MathNet (i.e., Dragnet parody). But did anyone here watch the show that Contact replaced, The Electric Company? I was too young to remember much from the show, except that it was the beginnings of my lifelong devotion to the Spiderman cult.

Yeah, I saw that.

> My all-time favorite PBS show is Levar Burton's Reading Rainbow. Always been a fan.

Yeah, that is good.

> Of the new ones, definitely the Kratt Brothers' two animal shows.

Kratt's Creatures and Zooboomafoo? Yeah, I liked those, kinda. With the Z one, though, I usually stop watching after the message from Jackie(or whoever) is over.

> > Ki"mm, children's programming"ki
> Penny*taking signatures to a petition to give the Crocodile Hunter a kids' show*stamp

Nyper"They're going to the closet, they're going on a trip"old