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Re: Baldo and Bad Comics
Posted By: Kiki, on host
Date: Tuesday, March 20, 2001, at 12:14:21
In Reply To: Baldo and Bad Comics posted by Luba Luft on Tuesday, March 20, 2001, at 12:03:03:

> > The absolute worst comic - and I hope most of you haven't been subjected to it - is Baldo. It's trying very hard to be zits - except Hispanic! Anyway, Blado, the Jeremy character, is an absolute insult to teenagers. He doesn't know a single thing about anything that's not "pop culture". He doesn't CARE about anything that's not "pop culture". He's a stereotype through-and-through.
> >
> >
> Really? I don't get that impression from Baldo. I disagree that Baldo has an entirely pop culture focus---that strip focused briefly on Frida Kahlo, the artist, who could hardly be considered pop culture. Also, the characters tend to treat adults with respect, which is hardly a teenage stereotype. It also features parts of Hispanic life, a culture that has been pretty much ignored by the mainstream. And it does this in a very Cosby-esque way---the cast's race is incidental, not placed on a soap box.

I didn't say the strip itself focused on pop culture - just Baldo himself. What does he like? Cars, and girls, and low-riders, and Jennifer Lopez, and more girls, and more cars. I honestly don't know ANY males who fit into that stereotype. He's just so STUPID! I for one don't enjoy the strip at all - but I guess you can if you want to.
> What I can't stand are the comics which feature children who are ridiculously precocious, like "Monkey House." These kids talk about philosophy and use huge words. Yuk. Linus's philosophizing and Bible-quoting and sage advice did it much better the first time.

How about Calvin? He was pretty ridiculously precocious...

Ki"I <3 Calvin"ki

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