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Re: homemade toys
Posted By: Susan, on host
Date: Thursday, May 27, 1999, at 12:48:46
In Reply To: Re: homemade toys posted by enile on Thursday, May 6, 1999, at 08:13:39:

>Did anyone else levitate their school friends (with the chant "She looks pale/is pale/looks ill/is ill/looks dead/is dead")? Or do that trick where you knot an imaginary string round their spine and pull it from behind, so that they jerk even though they can't see you? It seems such paranormal activities, which once seemed commonplace though kept from adult eyes, are given up when you reach puberty.

How did you ever manage to make them work?
My friends and I used to try to levitate each other, but we couldn't even manage the "Light as a feather" thing.