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Re: I wonder....
Posted By: extirpator, on host
Date: Thursday, May 27, 1999, at 12:04:52
In Reply To: Re: I wonder.... posted by Howard on Thursday, May 27, 1999, at 10:27:25:

> > > Where do the socks that the dryer eats go?
> >
> > In the little "lint" thingee.
> > Lint is actually partially decomposed sock that your dryer eats. the pieces too small to look like lint are blown thru the wall. Yeah, the stuff that sticks to the outside of the house.
> There is a simple solution to the problem.
> Hang your laundry on a clothesline.
> (Did I hear someone thinking, "What's a clothesline?"?)
> Howard

yeah, it works especially well when they freeze solid in the winter, or a bird builds a nest in your pants (has happened around here...)

in decent weather, a clothesline is a simple solution.