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Re: Longing for freedom
Posted By: MissyClar, on host
Date: Thursday, March 15, 2001, at 16:22:51
In Reply To: Re: Longing for freedom posted by Pliffilif on Wednesday, March 14, 2001, at 08:28:47:

I must say, your theory makes a lot of sense. IT seems that when kids start noticing they are a little bit faster learners than the rest of their friends, they start feeling this tragic alienation from their peers because they are so much more mature, blah blah blah. Through junior high, I was always like that, hanging out with older kids (who never gave me much grief about being younger) and I also enjoyed my time with kids my age. People always told me how smart I was, how mature, yada yada yada. I was always "the smart one" whom everyone copied their homework from, and it really didn't bother me. and in junior high, there was no gifted program except in math, so in most of my classes I was surrounded by slow, slow learners. I felt a little frustrated that I couldn't learn all I wanted to, but my teachers didn't make much of an effort to help. If I complained about a class moving too slowly, they pointed me to the hallway and told me to study there if I wanted to move ahead.

Oeras: all the other smart kids feel just like you do. I don't want to tell you you aren't special for being brighter than the rest, but don't dwell on it. And don't turn into a condescending, anti-social type. Even kids that aren't as smart as you have something to offer.
Also, be more understanding when adults/older kids don't treat you as their equal. You've seen the other 13 year olds around you. That's what their used to from other 13 year olds, so you'll have to work harder to gain their respect. Hanging out with older kids is good for developing your intelligence, normal adult social skills, maturity, etc, but don't hang out with older people exclusively. You may regret missing out on all those junior high experiences - silly slumber parties, calling your crush with your friends and hanging up onces he says "hello", etc. And you always feel like your first love is "the one." don't worry about finding the one right now! Sheesh!

Missy"I'm done now"Clar