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Re: Matrix Rumors...haven't heard those
Posted By: TalkingDog, on host
Date: Saturday, March 10, 2001, at 07:01:06
In Reply To: Re: Matrix Rumors...haven't heard those posted by Den-Kara on Friday, March 9, 2001, at 21:41:03:

> > Did anyone besides me hear the rumors about a Matrix trilogy? I heard there was gonna be a prequel featuring a younger Morphius, and then a sequel where everything on earth goes back to know...Earth sans Matrix. If anyone's heard anything, TALK
> I haven't heard THAT yet. I was pretty positive the second and third installment were going to be AFTER the first one ended. A prequel would be okay, but then Neo would be out of the picture, which would suck cuz he's awesome. Hmm...oh, and besides. Laurence Fishburne will be in both installments of The Matrix, so how would he play a younger version of himself? I dunno about that stuff you heard, but I AM curious as to where you heard it from.
> ~Den-"The Matrix is the best movie ever made"Kara

I heard it from a few friends at school, so, of course, the rumors could be skewed a bit. I'll be happy if they just make a sequel, cuz I wanna know what happens next.

Talking"Can't think of anything to type here"Dog