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Re: Looking for a Paul. Any advice?
Posted By: Faux Pas, on host
Date: Tuesday, May 25, 1999, at 07:19:41
In Reply To: Looking for a Paul. Any advice? posted by Tyler on Monday, May 24, 1999, at 20:20:14:

> This question for a most resourceful group:
> How might I rediscover this person?

Common interests, perhaps. If he and you were part of a (relatively) smallish group, say a group of Sailor Moon RPG players who discussed several aspects of the game on-line, I'd look around for a Sailor Moon RPG webring, or a Sailor Moon RPG message list. I'd head to Infoseek (probably the most efficient search engine, see link below) and search for +John +"Sailor Moon" +RPG. If John has a website that mentions the Sailor Moon RPG, you might find it. Even so, you'll probably dig through scores and scores of pages to find him.

Now, if you've been talking with him about Star Trek, good luck.

-Faux "finder of lost things" Pas

Link: Ranking the Search Engines

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