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New Digital Camera
Posted By: flyingcats, on host
Date: Thursday, March 8, 2001, at 22:44:19

Wooooo hoooo!
I got a digital camera today, and had the bestest time fooling around with it this evening. I took pictures of me and my parents and my room (on Aya's request) and my KITTIES!! I don't have a webpage up yet--YET--but as I was sending them all to Ayako she put them up on a page of hers. Soooo....take a look if ya want! I had a TON of fun.
And THANK YOU soooooooooooooooo much, Aya!! ^_^

-flyin"and yeah, the background on the computer is RinkChat and Aya's AIM"gcats

Link: flyingcats' stuff

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