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Distance from "dumb" people?
Posted By: Jezzika, on host
Date: Wednesday, March 7, 2001, at 10:27:12
In Reply To: Re: Public Schools...tisk tisk tisk posted by Liface on Wednesday, March 7, 2001, at 09:24:22:

> Yes, but I agree with folex. there are way too many stupid people in public schools. I just try to distance myself from these people so I can learn.

The following post is not a condemnation of anyone on this site, nor am I implying that anyone shares the attitude that I am describing. I understand what Folex and Liface are talking about. This thread just reminded me of something I've been thinking a lot about lately:

I used to distance myself from people who weren't brainy. But then I realized that, to others, I seemed like a pompous jerk. People who are "stupid" are still just people. I've learned to be friends with everybody, and not expect them to astound me with their wit and insight or knowledge of trivia in order to be interesting and enjoyable to be around.

To insist on associating only with those who are deemed intelligent by their peers isn't right, I think. I could brag (or just hint) to others about my IQ score, my SAT scores, or the fact that I'm reading a big heavy book by someone with a lot of consonants in their name. But that makes me seem pitiful to those who have higher scores and abilities, and conceited to those who scored lower. So I would alienate both. I know several "smart" people who patronize those who have poor grammer and have no interest in books, and even some smart people who sneer at those who don't know existentialism from Monday night football. That kind of elitism is transparent and repulsive.

Well, I do avoid some people because they seem stupid. Not because they are monosyllabic, but because they are violent or cruel, or maybe they're just dull.

Anyway, people need to get over the whole intelligence thing. (That last sentence was stellar, very bright, I know. ;-) ) Wisdom is more desirable, I think. That means knowing that intelligence is a tool, and not a ticket to some VIP club. Also, I've noticed that since I lost the attitude, people are understanding when I screw up and do something dumb, rather than smirk at me smugly.

--Jez"stupid is as stupid does"zi"likes the sound of 'smirking smugly'"ka