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Re: marriage
Posted By: Grishny, on host
Date: Tuesday, March 6, 2001, at 10:37:11
In Reply To: marriage posted by Shai'tan on Monday, March 5, 2001, at 21:43:45:

> Here's a question for all the married couples
> of the rink forum: What is it like to be married?

What is it like to be married? It depends on a lot of factors. Your level of commitment, and your spouse's. What is the marriage based on? What are your personalities? How much can you bend before you break? A marriage can be heaven or it can be hell. A good marriage has to be based on things that will last, not on things that fade away like physical attraction. Marriage is work; you can't get married and then coast all the way to "death do us part."

> It's been on my mind a lot lately, because my
> girlfriend and I talk about it a lot. I think
> its really scary to think about, like how do
> you know if that person is the one?

I think I agree with Sam in that there could be more than one "right" person. But I do beleive that there can also be "wrong" people. Still, once you're married, I'm in agreement with Iss...marriage was meant to be permanent. If you marry the "wrong" one, then they've become the right one now, and you need to work it out.

> What's it like to have someone that wants to
> spend their entire life with you? That blows my
> mind, its hard to think that someone can love
> somebody that much. And it's scary to think
> that my girlfriend and I are talking about it
> now. I guess I just wanted to know what your
> opinions on the matter are.

That feeling, in the beginning, is almost intoxicating. I don't know about anyone else, but I felt like I was "walking on air." But those emotions don't last without constant work.

Now I've been married for 2½ years, probably the shortest amount of time of any of the marrieds on this forum. I think the love my wife and I have for each other is stronger than the day of our wedding--but it's different. We've taken off our rose-colored glasses; we've seen each other's faults and foibles. We've gone through some hard times together. Our love is more real to us now. And yet we still probably haven't grasped the full concept yet. We can still make it even better!


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