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Writing and Dreams
Posted By: Melanie, on host
Date: Tuesday, February 20, 2001, at 16:05:03
In Reply To: Re: Writing posted by dingdong on Saturday, February 17, 2001, at 19:48:13:

> > i am considering writing a story, but seeing as how i have no imagination what soever, i cannot come up with a plot. it will probably be science fiction. does anybody have any helps for me on brainstorming or any ideas that might trigger my brain (i'm really terrible at stuff like this.) i really want to do this, but i really can't get started. please help me.
> >
> >
> > Mo(help!)llie
> I don't know if this will help you, but this is how I've worked out the plot for a lot of my stories, and also for the novel(bare bones) that I've started working on.
> This will probably sound pretty silly, but my best inspiration has come from dreams. I always keep pen and paper near the bed and I write them down as soon as I wake. I've created some of my best and most original stories this way, especially when I was writing at Uni. This was when I started keeping a regular journal, recording everything that I could about people, events, feelings, creative thoughts, etc. And I take it everywhere.
> Trust your imagination. Everyone has one, it's like a muscle, some people have a well developed imagination, some need to give it a bit of exercise to build it up. But it is there.
> ding"good luck"dong

Doesn't sound silly to me at all. Most of my best stories come from dreams. Somehow I understand myself and my tastes a lot better when I'm asleep. I wonder why that is? But anyway, my dreams are often really super fun and interesting. Why did you think that was silly?

Mel"Dreaming is my favorite activity, well, maybe besides Rinkworks :P"anie

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