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Re: Homeschooling
Posted By: Kiki, on host
Date: Tuesday, February 20, 2001, at 13:06:07
In Reply To: Homeschooling posted by Jannette on Sunday, February 18, 2001, at 13:36:42:

> So, aside from comments about the above... I'm interested in hearing people's comments about homeschooling. (I'd be happy to answer people's questions as well.) Also... is anyone here part of the "unschooling" movement? And what about schedules: a more regular, fixed schedule, or a less fixed one?
> Just curious...

I read the huge thread on homeschooling jsut a couple months ago, and had a ton of things I wanted to say, but I couldn't figure out which post to post them in response to, so I didn't. But anyway, I'll say what I have to say now.

I've gone to public school all my life - and Washington, DC Public schools since first grade - reputed to be some of the worst in the nation. My parents considered homeschooling me for 6th grade, but skipped me straight over it instead. I, personally, wouldn't have wanted to spend my years in school any other way. I'm the kind of person who NEEDS people around who belive things that are different from me - I need to be challenged and I love discussion (or arguments, whichever term you like better.) This hasn't in any way changed my convictions, though. I'm a Christian. I haven't been talked into doing drugs, or drinking, or sleeping around, or hooking up with random guys, or even going to parties I don't feel comfortable at. In fact, I've enver had any peer pressure to do these things at all. I'm sure there are Christians who DO get into those things - but there are those of us - and I know many - who don't.

This isn't to say that my attitudes haven't been influenced by non-Christians and that I haven't fallen, because that wouldn't be true. I can be sarcastic and cynical. My sense of humor, at least at school, can turn sexual. I've struggled with cursing. You could argue, and I know some people will, that this is a result of the "evil influences" of public school. If I didn't spend all day every day around non-Christians, maybe I wouldn't struggle with these things.

When it comes to academics, I've done very well, too. Good grades (and the bad ones were my own fault, not the system's.) 1520 on my SATs. I'm going to one of the top schools in the United States. Basically, I can't complain.

On the other hand, I'm good friends with high schoolers who go to private Christian schools. One of them faces more adversity during school then I do with my secular friends. Apparently these kids can be downright nasty about her faith. None of the kids that I know at Christian schools say that it's a nice happy clean environment - in fact, it's often just the opposite.

I know several kids who have been homeschooled, and their experiences are all over the board. One of them has such a closed world view it's frightening. One of them isn't living a Christian life at all. One of them is one of the nicest, most well-rounded, out-going people I know. All three of these were home-schooled in a very Christian environment.

I guess my point is that it really DOES depend on the person. Public schools worked for me. They won't work for everyone.


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