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A haven?
Posted By: Jannette, on host
Date: Thursday, February 15, 2001, at 06:50:33

Hey all...

After getting fed up with another internet message board, I wandered in here. Is this, I wonder, a oasis in the vast internet wasteland?

Anyway, since I (like so many others) dislike posts with no real content, I'll pose a question: What is the climate of opinion here? How neutral is the political atmosphere? Or do we not talk about politics? (Due to apathy, disinterest, ect.?) Can I be a loud mouth, or is it wise to be the shy and retiring type, lest I be branded a yahoo, and ignored forever? Is it safe to be a Republican in these quarters, or does Ralph Nader rule the day? (Or, yet, a battleground for Labor/Conservative?)

Also, a tech question: I filled my handle in the form above. What's to stop someone else from posting under my name?

Jann "I've noticed everyone seems to put a quote in their sig" ette

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