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Re: Exciting Times on the Bus: Day Two (V-Day)
Posted By: Ferrick, on host
Date: Wednesday, February 14, 2001, at 11:47:25
In Reply To: Re: Exciting Times on the Bus: Day Two (V-Day) posted by Don the Monkeyman on Wednesday, February 14, 2001, at 10:40:47:

> The bus continued on its route, finally arriving
at the main stop downtown. By this time, despair
had set in. Don knew that now there was a good
chance that he could get a seat near the REALLY
cute girl, but with only one stop left before he
had to get off, he decided that it would not make
sense to try and start up a conversation here.
Instead, he took a seat in the front half of the
bus. When he pulled the cord to indicate his
stop, he realized that he would walk right past
her as he exited the back doors of the bus. He
decided to leave by these doors anyway.

AAARGHHH! Quit overthinking things (like me).
There is always time for a nice word or comment.
Maybe it will help you if you view this as a
potential friendship first instead of a romance.
It would be fairly painless to sit near her and
ask, without sounding like a goob, "I've noticed
you reading Harry Potter. Would you recommend them?"

Go for it.

Fer"Never has to do anything like this again,

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