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Re: Reactions to Nerves
Posted By: dingdong, on host
Date: Sunday, February 11, 2001, at 07:37:11
In Reply To: Reactions to Nerves posted by Den-Kara on Saturday, February 10, 2001, at 19:12:17:

> I was just thinking today about what I do when I'm VERY nervous about something. I shiver like crazy. when I was at the DMV a few weeks ago to take my permit test (finally) I was shivering uncontrollably. I wasn't cold or anything; it's all nerves. Whenever I go to a doctor or dentist I get the same way. It's not like shivering when you're cold exactly. It's worse...I can literally feel my insides shivering and my teeth chatter a lot. I just wanted to know if I'm the only person here with a bizarre reaction to nerves.
> ~Den-"it's cold in here"Kara

I get very nervous, and I used to be a lot worse. I failed my first driving test, and the main reason listed was excessive nerves. I've been acting, dancing and singing for over 20 years and I still feel like I'm going to throw up before I do anything. The main thing I've learned is to accept it, so that at least it doesn't stop me.

ding"nervous wreck"dong