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Re: Senseless Insanity OR Internet Filtering Redux
Posted By: codeman38, on host
Date: Saturday, February 3, 2001, at 17:06:48
In Reply To: Re: Senseless Insanity OR Journalism posted by gabby on Friday, February 2, 2001, at 19:00:23:

> They are supposedly worried about viruses on the disks. However, like I said, there is nothing currently in place to stop students from using them. The school uses an extremely strict filtering program, and no page pertaining to email will load. The workarounds (such as going through a webpage translator like Babelfish) tend to cause too many errors. They've disallowed all methods to take work home. I've already brought this up to them, but they don't care. I've also asked why they keep saying the drives won't work when they clearly do, but the staff was adamant that the drives don't. After a few attempts (even SHOWING them that the drives work) I just gave up.
> gab"And, it being a school newspaper, it'd probably get axed"by

Hrm. That's rather weird about your school's filtering software. Most of the censorware that I know of (including the proxy used at my school) blocks Babelfish, Go Translator, and the like, simply BECAUSE they serve as proxies which allow the user to access "questionable" sites. And all this *despite* the useful value of the text translator portion of these sites-- which, might I add, usually works independently of the web page translation portion.

My school's proxy is weird in quite a few other ways as well; it blocks but not (which offers a Hotmail login screen) nor any other e-mail sites, and it blocks but not (which is the EXACT SAME SITE). I seriously do not understand the reasoning here.

-- codeman"grumble grumble they also had rinkworks blocked a while ago but eventually fixed it grumble"38