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Re: The film exam thing
Posted By: Diane, on host
Date: Thursday, May 13, 1999, at 12:08:17
In Reply To: Re: The film exam thing posted by Sam on Thursday, May 13, 1999, at 10:51:23:

> > They should get Warwick Davis involved in this somehow...
> > Saruman has to exemplify corruption and decay rather than simple evil . . . the only person who really comes to mind is Sir Anthony Hopkins. Anyone else?
> I've been hearing Warwick Davis rumors, too. I'm sure he'll be involved sooner or later. As for Saruman, "can" and "will" are two different things. A number of talented actors out there *could* play the role as you say, but how many would think to if Peter Jackson doesn't? Ideally, he should think of this in the first place.
> At any rate, you've sold me on Anthony Hopkins. He's arguably my favorite actor working today. The ease at which he turns in spectacular performances reminds me of Spencer Tracy. I rarely come away from a movie starring either of them without being impressed anew at their talent and charisma.

When you think quality villians, Gary Oldman comes to mind. :)


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