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I'm bored, so I shall babble.
Posted By: Quartz, on host
Date: Tuesday, January 30, 2001, at 03:57:38

In the first place, I will remain and forever be Quartz, because that nickname is jimmmy-cracking-dandy. In the second place, I have a new e-mail address (note I chose the name ISHTAR).

(WARNING: The rest of this message is posted for writers, so if you're not a writer, this might not make sense to you. If you like reading stuff that doesn't make sense however, read on.)

Fellow Writers: Does this ever happen to you.... Do you work on more than one story at a time, so if you get bored with one you can work on another? And do you ever finish one of your stories beautifully, but you're still in the mood to write for it and you want to work on the sequel post-haste (and you have a bajillion ideas for said sequel), but you KNOW you have other stories that you REALLY need to write?

That's what happening to me right now. I have a story (well, a series of novelette thingies) that's a big Flash Gordon/Buck Rogers parody thing, and my last one was REALLY good (if I do say so myself), but I've got a "serious" SF story and a Fantasy story I really should be working on. You see, I post the rather short chapters of these stories on a kid-and-teenagers' writing website, and my friends are waiting very patiently to see what'll happen next in my stories. And there are two problems with that.

1. I don't REALLY want to write for those stories now, I but know that real published, professional writers have to work under deadlines and such. Maybe I should stop whining and get back to work.

2. I have NO idea what's going to happen next in those stories. None. I sorta have an idea for the fantasy one, and the SF one is still at the very beginning so I'm sure I'll think of something when the time comes. Again, maybe I should stop whining and get back to work.

Aggh. Thanks for letting me go on (although I really didn't get your consent, but anyway...). Um, I hope I don't sound to pretentious (if pretentious is the word I want, and if I spelled it right), but could you very intelligent and genius and professional and nifty writers give me some advice? I think I know what you're going to say. Something like "quit whining and just work on your darn stories", right?


PS: The hero of my SF parody is named Rock Fiasco. That gives you a general idea of what the thing's like.

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