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Re: Down with Repression!
Posted By: Grishny, on host
Date: Friday, January 26, 2001, at 22:47:18
In Reply To: Re: Down with Repression! posted by Don the Monkeyman on Friday, January 26, 2001, at 15:12:04:

> You BOTH have it wrong. The oppression of one brand of soft drink by another is a non-issue. Soft drinks of ALL types are evil and need to be removed from our culture before they harm our children further. The cavities, hyper-activity, and stomach damage are not limited to children, either-- These symptoms of soft drink consumption can appear in adults as well.
> I move that we swiftly and firmly eliminate all traces of soft drinks and their makers from our nations. Only quick, decisive action can spare future generations from sugary doom.

I am in shock. I am aghast. It never ceases to amaze me, the kind of scum that will come crawling out of the woodwork to put in their two cents when important issues are being raised and debated.

Mr. Jackson, your nihilistic views apall me. You speak of "elimination." What a nice, soft, subtle word for carbonated-beveragicide. What are you, some kind of Nazi? I would gladly accept the domination of Kelly and his ilk rather than live in the world that you envision. You would bring a holocaust upon us all. Fortunately for the world, people like you are few and far between.

Gri"I know I probably mispelled appal"shny