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I would like....
Posted By: GreenJeanz, on host
Date: Wednesday, May 12, 1999, at 15:02:15

..I would like some people to volunteer to give me advice on my japanese anime manga(Comic)'s story line. Some people I have picked out are: Sam, Issachar, and Stephen(Ya'll tell me if ya want to help me with this, I'm just saying you guys are my first choices.). if anyone else would like to do this please just tell me. I already have my friend Lindsay helping me with the story, but I need some input from adults. I want the story to be kinda high on the maturity(NOT IN A NASTY WAY!) scale(and originality scale) rather than being just some mindless kids comic book where the following events occur, in every issue:
1: New bad guy shows up
2: Teenagers turn into heroes
3: Heroes kick bad guy's butt
4: The end


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