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Re: Home Schooling
Posted By: Speedball, on host
Date: Monday, January 22, 2001, at 16:35:48
In Reply To: Re: Home Schooling posted by Quartz on Monday, January 22, 2001, at 07:36:59:

> *breathing deeply* Anyway...I agree that public school will probably give you better social skills, but it'll also make you dumber than a bag of hammers. I'd rather be a smart hermit. At least I could write in peace then. :^)

Well, not to flame, but your showing your lack of social skills and throwing your intellect into question. I'm sure you're joking, but I'm still insulted.

I was never home schooled. In 2nd grade I was listed as 'Gifted'. I received good marks on the SATs. I got a 3.5 grade point average last term. I've been on the Dean's List. One of my professors has invited my and about 8 other students to present papers on Malory's 'Le Morte D'Arthur' at the end of this term. I am not "dumber than a bag of hammers" and no one I knew in High School, Jr. High School, Elementary, Kindergarten, or Preschool was that dumb. Some of them were rowdy, Attention Deficit, or unwilling to learn; but those were individuals and not the result of the schools.

O.K., rant over.

Speed'And my Mom's a 4th grade teacher, and she works darned hard at it too'ball