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Re: The nature of Quartz (or, introducing ME).
Posted By: flyingcats, on host
Date: Sunday, January 21, 2001, at 12:11:57
In Reply To: Re: The nature of Quartz (or, introducing ME). posted by Kiki on Sunday, January 21, 2001, at 07:35:51:

> >Teenager-type puberty ramblings ahead:
> > I am a geek, and I wear that title with pride. I hate doing "popular" stuff. I'm not going to be change my VERY BEING because of the whims of some doofus who doesn't even know who P. G. Wodehouse is. A pox on them, I say.
> Am I the only teenager here who doesn't classify herself as a social misfit or introvert in some degree? *Sigh* I don't know who P.G. Wodehouse is, either.... I'm sorry....

I don't classify myself there.

-flying"end of statement"ca"and I don't know who P.G. Wodehouse is, as well"ts

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