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Longest Messages
Posted By: Sam, on host
Date: Wednesday, May 12, 1999, at 05:18:59
In Reply To: Re: Everybody's free to surf rinkworks posted by Darien on Tuesday, May 11, 1999, at 18:45:27:

> Just as a completely random note: is this the longest single message ever posted to this forum? I can't think of a longer one.

Intrigued by the question, I wrote a little program. It turns out this message "only" ranks at #45. The longest message is #476, in which John W. expounds on "Quake vs. Y2K."

The Top 10:

1. #476
2. #409
3. #732
4. #1159
5. #486
6. #2821
7. #1319
8. #1130
9. #644
10. #918

Message #1250 would take second place, except that it contains the complete text to #1159 with only a little bit added, so it gets disqualified.

Link: The Longest Message Forum Post So Far

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