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Re: Star Wars vs. Star Trek
Posted By: Stephen, on host
Date: Tuesday, May 11, 1999, at 19:22:23
In Reply To: Star Wars vs. Star Trek posted by GreenJeanz on Tuesday, May 11, 1999, at 14:32:05:

> What's your opinion on which rules the sci-fi world? Which is better and why?

Eck. Isn't this one of those topics that simply should not be brought up anywhere geeks are likely to be present? Anyway, you asked for it, so here goes:

Personally, eh, I dunno. It's really tough to judge SW seeing as there are only 3 movies to do it on. You could go to the books, but I haven't read any and am not in any big hurry to do so. For me SW is an experience that is more than the storyline. I'm interested in the movie experience more than I am the universe or the characters.

The Star Trek franchise has put out a whole lot more material that I've seen. I used to be a big Next Generation fan (I beileve I've seen all the episodes) though I have been seriously dissapointed with the movies. The only one worth watching is First Contact and even that one to me was not nearly as good as it should have been. Generations was horrible and Insurrection was just rather dull and trite (and it proved once more that Brent Spiner is the most valuable actor that series has). I don't really get into the Original Series episodes partly because of the fact that they did not age well at all. The sheer cheasiness of them gets in the way of the plots (many of which I feel are overrated). I detest Voyager and don't want to talk about it.

Right now I'm really impressed with Deep Space Nine. The last few seasons with the continuing war storyline has brought together everything that happened in previous seasons. My biggest complaint is the fact that since the show's syndicated I rarely get to see new episodes -- the two stations that play them in my area seem to only run them during odd times (like 11 PM Sunday nights).

When it comes to comparing the two, I'll tend to take Star Wars just because the quality of all three movies is so high. They also hold up better to repeated viewings which is always a plus in my mind. However, it's hard to say that one is "better" than the other: what do you compare them against? I don't think the Trek movies represent the best the franchise has to offer, but its not entirely fair to compare an episode of a television show to a movie...

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