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Re: Please allow me to introduce myself
Posted By: GreenJeanz, on host
Date: Tuesday, May 11, 1999, at 14:30:48
In Reply To: Re: Please allow me to introduce myself posted by Issachar on Tuesday, May 11, 1999, at 14:05:17:

Wow. I didn't know that making a slight hint at my bird would give me away so easily!
And you were wondering what's been going on with me. Well, I sprained my ankle. It HURTS. I have a three, count em, three websites that are a zillion times better than my ugly old one.
They are at: Wars) (Virtual Petz) (Politics, duh)

I'm still the crazy gal I used to be, although more wise in the ways of the world now(And now obssesed with something new; Japanese anime!).
And I am STILl 12!! AAARGH! I wish July 14th would come soon! Aiiie!

Buh-bye buddy boy(Try saying THAT ten times fast!),

Green"Anime Otaku"Jeanz