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Re: RinkDreams
Posted By: flyingcats, on host
Date: Tuesday, January 9, 2001, at 17:04:35
In Reply To: Re: RinkDreams posted by Jezzika on Tuesday, January 9, 2001, at 09:07:02:

> That's weird---I also just dreamed of RinkChat! In my dream, Sam and Leen came to visit me and were sleeping on my lving room floor. Now I've never seen pictures of them, and in my dream they looked like how I imagine them--Sam looked like Scott McCloud, and Leen looked like my ex Art teacher. Pretty boring dream (as other people's dreams usually are) but still...
> --Jez"and I had cheese on my neck"zika

Whoa whoa whoa...cheese on your neck?
Either I'm totally missing some inside joke, or that's kinda weird.
Why on earth did you have CHEESE on your NECK?

-flyin"clompletely mystified"gcats

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