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Re: Academic Challenge Fun
Posted By: codeman38, on host
Date: Monday, January 8, 2001, at 12:59:04
In Reply To: Re: Academic Challenge Fun posted by Fobulis on Sunday, January 7, 2001, at 20:50:41:

> Our school academic team had either "Leon Trotsky" or "Pancho Villa" as the answer to questions we didn't know. We even named our new buzzer system (yes, we named the buzzer system! The old one was Big Bertha) "Trotsky".
> -Fob"is going with two other alumni of the all-star team to watch a district meet tomorrow... the a-team homecoming game?"ulis

Heh. A few semi-related tangential thoughts which entered my head:

1) My middle school academic team's favorite answer for any question involving poets was Robert Frost.

2) Our middle school had an amusing academic team ritual, if you could call it that. Our semi-official team mascot was a Dr Pepper bottle which we named Bob. We brought Bob to many of the tournaments in which we competed. OK, so you probably had to be there...

3) One member of my current high school academic team has forever been associated with the name "Johnny Appleseed", after he replied with that answer to a question about that Swiss guy who shot an arrow through an apple on his son's head.

-- codeman"yes, of *course* I'm an academic team geek"38

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