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Re: A mild rant.
Posted By: Fobulis, on host
Date: Sunday, January 7, 2001, at 21:25:27
In Reply To: Re: A mild rant. posted by flyingcats on Thursday, January 4, 2001, at 22:15:12:

> I don't really *fear* clowns, they just freak me out sometimes. Like when you're at a fair or festival, and you certainly don't look like a kid, but you're not an adult, and they come at you all smiley and bouncy and try to give you a balloon or a floopy hat or something that you *don't* want, and ask you in a happyhappyjoyjoy voice how you are or something, and you just want to turn away and ignore them.
> But you kinda can't.
> Luckily I haven't been assaulted by any clowns lately, I must look too old or mean or nasty or something. ; )
> -fly"would YOU like a nice little balloon giraffe? how cuuuuuuuuute"ing"bleh"cats

I'm with flyingcats here... I don't *fear* them, but they are a little creepy, as are any strangers who invade my Personal Space. The only clowns I've ever seen that I liked are the ones form Cirque du Soleil, who are awesome (not even to begin to mention the rest of the show, which astounds me).

-Fob"never seen them live, just tapes, but would like to"ulis

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