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Noah's Ark
Posted By: Ayana, on host
Date: Monday, May 10, 1999, at 17:19:22

I saw about 2 minutes of Noah's Ark.
I couldn't take it anymore. I thought I was going to be sick. the acting, oh the acting. It was utterly ATROCIOUS. I could have done better. My PET PARROT could have done better. And since when did people in those time HAVE BRITISH ACCENTS?!?
My Mom watched part 1. I couldn't possibly watch all of part 1(Without having a severe siezure), and I sure didn't watch part 2. I must say though, (Much to my embarassment) I did enjoy the previous NBC TV movies like Merlin, Gulliver's(sp?) Travels, and The Odessey(sp?).
It sounds to me like a very offensive movie (In a religious way). I am incredibly disgusted with NBC.

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