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Re: actually. . .
Posted By: shadowfax, on host
Date: Friday, January 5, 2001, at 19:11:33
In Reply To: Re: actually. . . posted by Howard on Friday, January 5, 2001, at 18:01:37:

> > > > How about waking up like I did at my grandma's over vacation? I got up on the other side of the bed from where I'd gotten in and stepped on a frayed electrical cord. I've been shocked many times before, but there's something about being shocked on the bottom of your bare feet that really HURTS!
> > >
> > > When the pain stops, why not replace some electrical cords before Grandma's house burns down? Check in every room. Frayed electrical cords are like snakes; if you find one, it's a good idea to be on the lookout for another one.
> > > Howard
> >
> > before I left, I rewired most of her house with NM-B cable to replace the old knob and spool garbage she had in there. Her entire house was a firetrap before I got through with it.
> And a tip of the hat from me for doing that. I hope when you and I get old, someone will look out for us that way.
> Howard

Hehe. I hear ya there. I couldn't believe the wire she had in there. Knob and spool has a rubber insulation that lasts 25 years in good conditions (and Louisiana is NOT considered anywhere close to good conditions) before it becomes dangerous. Her house was built in '39. You do the math ;)